NW Community Food: A Volunteer Non-profit
Who We Are
Our History
NW Community Food (formerly known as Feed the Family pantry) is a volunteer-led, community-based program that grew out of the founders’ volunteer work with the Ward 3 Mutual Aid network. The pantry opened in May 2021, serving approximately 50 families each week, and has grown to serve more than 200. We first offered our guests fresh produce and cleaning supplies and have expanded offerings to include shelf-stable and prepared foods, bakery items, and basic personal and feminine hygiene products.
Our mission
The mission of NW Community Food is to provide a lifeline to our neighbors struggling in the face of inadequate government programs and the ongoing impact of the pandemic including escalating food costs, and the dramatic reduction in cuts to essential services. Our vision is a community strengthened by working together to advance social justice.
NWCF’s activities directly address the food insecurity daily affecting hundreds of families living in Ward 3. We offer high-quality fresh produce, cleaning and personal hygiene supplies, and a wide variety of nutritous and culturally diverse shelf-stable and prepared foods, at no charge ever to all our guests.
Our values
NW Community Food is a volunteer-run, diverse, inclusive organization that practices lovingkindness in every interaction with our guests. The pantry does not require that our guests provide identification or prove their eligibility; we help all in need. Respect and dignity are core values of the pantry, which is more than a source of food and other necessities. It is a meeting place for neighbors to find ways to help one another, share advice and networking resources, and build community.
Board of Directors